Purchase A Fretmentor Song or Instructional CD
Fretmentor offers songs (written in tablature and standard musical notation) that you can learn at your own pace. Songs can be purchased as a compilation in Fretmentor's Instructional CDs or individually as downloads as listed in the Fretmentor library. Price Per Song: $5.99.
What makes Fretmentor unique is that the majority of these songs are written for all three fretted instruments (banjo, mandolin and guitar). Even fiddle players will benefit with the new songs formatted with standardized notation. Now you or your entire band will have these songs available to practice. By purchasing a song from Frementor, you no longer have to search the internet for songs in the same key. In fact, since all your friends will have the same music to play from, jams with others become more enjoyable.
Attached is a list of the available songs. Holiday songs are listed in Red and children's guitar songs are listed in Purple. Other songs are for banjo, mandolin and guitar and have accompanying sound files. Songs and lesson plans are updated frequently, so we encourage you to return and check for additional tunes as they are prepared.
Fretmentor's Set List
- Amazing Grace
- Angels We Have Heard on High
- Arkansas Traveler
- Billy In The Low Ground
- Boil Them Cabbage Down
- Bury Me Beneath The Willow
- Christmas Song (Chestnuts)
- Cluck Old Hen
- Cripple Creek
- Dark Hollow
- Dueling Banjos
- Dust in the Wind
- Freight Train
- Happy Birthday (melody)
- I'll Fly Away
- Jesus Joy of Man's Desire
- Jingle Bells
- John Hardy
- Loch Lomond
- Mary Had A Lil Lamb (melody)
- Minor Swing
- Nine Pound Hammer
- O Holy Night
- Ode To Joy
- Oh Susanna
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Lang Sine
- Ragtime Annie
- Row Row Row Your Boat (melody)
- Sailor's Hornpipe
- Shady Grove
- Shortening Bread
- Silent Night
- Simple Gifts
- Soldier's Joy
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (melody)
- Under The Double Eagle
- White Christmas
- Wildwood Flower
- Will The Circle Be Unbroken
- Winter Wonderland
- Wonderful Tonight